Anderson Campaign 2024 Op Ed

Democracy is not a concept or an idea – it is how we live and experience the American way of life. Democracy allows each resident to participate and live their life under their individual beliefs and values while respecting others to do the same. In America, we have majority rule, but that has always included minority rights. The fact that we have strayed away from respecting minority rights is a key factor eroding what makes America great.
The elimination of minority rights begins with manipulating the public’s thinking with false allegations about our education system ‘indoctrinating’ students to a specific lifestyle or suggesting books available to students provide no educational value solely because it doesn’t reflect our experience. For us to guide our students in a world requiring advanced skills in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math -STEM, first we have to provide them with an educational system that stimulates their curiosity and imagination – developing their critical thinking skills beyond their own experience. This process begins with their interactions such as building relationships, respecting others’ personal views, and the knowledge that their goals cannot be restricted because of their gender, race, religion (or no religion), national origin, or ethnicity. The goal is to imbue students as well as adults with American values that can withstand the new technologies and new challenges as we move forward together.
Keeping up with economic demands requires the expansion from STEM to STEAM by keeping the arts in our education system is vital as people need creative outlets, be it in music, art, writing, industrial arts, etc. Through the arts people not only find ways to express themselves creatively, but it is also proven to stimulate neural pathways in the brain vital to improving how to address challenges and problem solving. Annually, music, arts, and physical education seem to make it to the budgetary chopping block in school districts across the nation. Will we wholeheartedly support a robust educational system and regain our footing or better yet on the global stage? For almost 250 years, we as a Nation have continually expanded who has a voice in our government, and it has been very successful in building our strength that is unmatched even in the most basic terms of economics and security. However, recently the ability to have the American dream of homeownership has been slipping away from the middle and working class. Not only is homeownership not affordable, but insurance costs (required to obtain a mortgage) are making it even more unachievable. If our residents can’t see how to achieve this most fundamental of American dreams, then why would they have confidence that their voices are heard in the process of government and would make any difference?

Vernon Anderson and his lovely wife Patrice Anderson
Those of us who seek to represent our fellow residents in government must search to find meaningful solutions, which gives residents confidence and hope that the dream is within reach. Our government is beholden to self-interests and not the interests of what will grow our economy. We need to make it possible for residents to make the investment leading to home ownership and better communities.
There are those seeking office, who believe there is a ‘right way’ for society that leads to control by restricting individual rights. They want to avoid addressing issues impacting their constituents that make them uncomfortable. Eliminating rights and taking away liberty from those who don’t hold the same values and beliefs as their representatives is uniquely un-American. This leads to a planned society that would be the opposite of our American values. Planned societies will ultimately lead to greater division, where those who do not hold the values of minority leadership, will not be empowered to exercise their rights.
Democracy is so much more than just the right to go to the voting booth, it is the right to participate in every action (the)government performs and to know what government officials do in the name of those they represent. This is why the sustainment of our democracy requires an educated and informed populace, armed with facts – not manipulated data or opinions – providing them with confidence and liberty to make thoughtful decisions about their government. Representing all the people means ALL the people and their rights as listed above, not just those that meet a candidate’s personal objective. While democracy may seem chaotic to some, acknowledging and working to protect fundamental rights has served us well since our founding – building a country where people are free to be themselves. With new approaches in Florida’s government, liberty will again mean that every Floridian has freedom of choice, free from arbitrary or despotic control.
Vernon M. Anderson Jr. Candidate Florida State House District 33