Experts say, Democrats stronger than you think Voters quietly turning again Republican candidates

Charlie Crist says DeSantis is “The worst governor in modern Florida history” DeSantis Focused on the White House DeSantis abandons Florida.
Sheila James
If you think the Republicans are over the top or as they are nick named, “Republican Crazy,” you are not alone. Respected journalist and talk show host John Heilemann points to findings that show Democrats have pulled ahead of Republicans by 4%, in a generic candidate matchup, rebounding from a 8% Republican lead just a few months ago. American voters are paying attention to the extreme agendas offered by the GOP. And apparently, they don’t like it.
There’s an irony to other findings in the survey. According to Heilemann, “The Republicans are focused on attacking the issues the Democrats lead on. Voting rights, civil rights, and freedoms like choice and by 15% on education.” Nationally, Republicans favorably continues to drop dramatically as they present candidates who trigger outrage and concern. Their registration has dipped to 25% while the Democrats are 31% and No Party Affiliation 41%. NPA’s are powerful in determining election outcomes and trend toward Democrats.

A DeSantis appointee, Tallahassee Circuit Judge Layne Smith ruled against the governor for violating the state constitution.
Governor Ron DeSantis is the national leader in base baiting on these issues that target Black Floridians disproportionately. Black voters make up 30% of the registered Democrats in Florida and have proven powerful and essential to victories nationally. DeSantis plans to run for President in 2024. Meanwhile the Sunshine State is the governor’s petri dish for disturbing legislation and policies considered race bating. He thinks he will win re-election as governor without a fight.
But the bombastic Republican will probably face popular former Governor Charlie Crist, who presents a striking contrast. The presumptive Democratic nominee has a 92% name ID and is very popular with all age groups, Blacks, Whites, Hispanics among voters in every region of the state. Crist is hard not to like. The difference between the two could not be more dramatic. But Crist has warned opponents not to take “my kindness for weakness.” His charm and adept discussion of issues is a welcomed reprieve from DeSantis. And he’s gut punched DeSantis many times.
“Ron DeSantis is nothing but a power-hungry bully, trying to bluster his way to the White House without doing a single damn thing for Florida,” Crist adds, “No previous Governor has posed such a direct threat to our prosperity and our democracy.”

The DeSantis base baiting has cost Florida taxpayers over $20 million dollars defending laws that violate the constitution or civil rights. Outraged judges have lashed out in rulings saying DeSantis is purposely “targeting” Blacks. Federal Judge Mark Walker said DeSantis intentionally discriminates against Black voters in the elections law passed in 2021 striking it down and Circuit Court Judge Layne Smith, a DeSantis appointee stopped the redistricting plan because it disenfranchised Black voters, and violated the state constitution by eliminating Black districts. Overt Black voter suppression includes the election police force under DeSantis command and the open carry gun law he is currently floating. This is an election year known for low voter turnout, but DeSantis’ antics could prompt turnout by a silent majority of Blacks and Whites tired of his extreme politics.