March 11, 2025


senior woman show red heart shape with syringe icon, after vaccinated or inoculation booster dose due to spread of corona virus, population, social or herd immunity concept


Hello Metro & Friends,

We wanted to relay the following newly discovered information regarding free at-home COVID test kits:

Every home in the U.S. is eligible to order a 3rd round of free at-home tests. You can order your test kits online at today. If you lack internet access or otherwise need assistance you can dial 800-232-0233 or for the hearing impaired (TTY) dial 888-720-7489. Currently there is no time limit for ordering the test kits but the COVID-19/Vaccination Hotline recommends you order as soon as possible so that the test kits will be available to you when you need them. 

The website suggests you should take an at-home test:

  • If you begin having COVID-⁠19 symptoms like fever, sore throat, runny nose, or loss of taste or smell, or
  • At least 5 days after you come into close contact with someone with COVID-⁠19, or
  • When you’re going to gather with a group of people, especially those who are at risk of severe disease or may not be up to date on their COVID-⁠19 vaccines

We thought this information was too important not to pass it on. For those of you who were already aware of this information, please forgive me for adding clutter to your inbox. For those of you who would prefer not to receive emails like this from me in the future, please let me know.

Have a blessed day.  

Ronald McCullough, Church Secretary

Metropolitan Missionary Baptist Church

Rev Steve A. Brock, Pastor

474 West King Street

Cocoa, FL  32922

Phone:  (321) 636-2971

Fax:  (321) 636-5675

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